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- /* vim:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- * vim600:fdm=marker fdl=1 fdc=3:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- /*
- * fold.c: code for folding
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #if defined(FEAT_FOLDING) || defined(PROTO)
- /* local declarations. {{{1 */
- /* typedef fold_T {{{2 */
- /*
- * The toplevel folds for each window are stored in the w_folds growarray.
- * Each toplevel fold can contain an array of second level folds in the
- * fd_nested growarray.
- * The info stored in both growarrays is the same: An array of fold_T.
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- linenr_T fd_top; /* first line of fold; for nested fold
- * relative to parent */
- linenr_T fd_len; /* number of lines in the fold */
- garray_T fd_nested; /* array of nested folds */
- char fd_flags; /* see below */
- char fd_small; /* TRUE, FALSE or MAYBE: fold smaller than
- 'foldminlines'; MAYBE applies to nested
- folds too */
- } fold_T;
- #define FD_OPEN 0 /* fold is open (nested ones can be closed) */
- #define FD_CLOSED 1 /* fold is closed */
- #define FD_LEVEL 2 /* depends on 'foldlevel' (nested folds too) */
- #define MAX_LEVEL 20 /* maximum fold depth */
- /* static functions {{{2 */
- static int checkCloseRec __ARGS((garray_T *gap, linenr_T lnum, int level));
- static int foldFind __ARGS((garray_T *gap, linenr_T lnum, fold_T **fpp));
- static int foldLevelWin __ARGS((win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum));
- static void checkupdate __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static void setFoldRepeat __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, long count, int open));
- static linenr_T setManualFold __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, int opening, int recurse, int *donep));
- static void foldOpenNested __ARGS((fold_T *fpr));
- static void deleteFoldEntry __ARGS((garray_T *gap, int idx, int recursive));
- static void foldMarkAdjustRecurse __ARGS((garray_T *gap, linenr_T line1, linenr_T line2, long amount, long amount_after));
- static int getDeepestNestingRecurse __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
- static int check_closed __ARGS((win_T *win, fold_T *fp, int *use_levelp, int level, int *maybe_smallp, linenr_T lnum_off));
- static void checkSmall __ARGS((win_T *wp, fold_T *fp, linenr_T lnum_off));
- static void setSmallMaybe __ARGS((garray_T *gap));
- static void foldCreateMarkers __ARGS((linenr_T start, linenr_T end));
- static void foldAddMarker __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, char_u *marker, int markerlen));
- static void deleteFoldMarkers __ARGS((fold_T *fp, int recursive, linenr_T lnum_off));
- static void foldDelMarker __ARGS((linenr_T lnum, char_u *marker, int markerlen));
- static void foldUpdateIEMS __ARGS((win_T *wp, linenr_T top, linenr_T bot));
- static void parseMarker __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static char *e_nofold = N_("No fold found");
- /*
- * While updating the folds lines between invalid_top and invalid_bot have an
- * undefined fold level. Only used for the window currently being updated.
- */
- static linenr_T invalid_top = (linenr_T)0;
- static linenr_T invalid_bot = (linenr_T)0;
- /* Flags used for "done" argument of setManualFold. */
- #define DONE_NOTHING 0
- #define DONE_ACTION 1 /* did close or open a fold */
- #define DONE_FOLD 2 /* did find a fold */
- static int foldstartmarkerlen;
- static char_u *foldendmarker;
- static int foldendmarkerlen;
- /* Exported folding functions. {{{1 */
- /* copyFoldingState() {{{2 */
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Copy that folding state from window "wp_from" to window "wp_to".
- */
- void
- copyFoldingState(wp_from, wp_to)
- win_T *wp_from;
- win_T *wp_to;
- {
- wp_to->w_fold_manual = wp_from->w_fold_manual;
- wp_to->w_foldinvalid = wp_from->w_foldinvalid;
- cloneFoldGrowArray(&wp_from->w_folds, &wp_to->w_folds);
- }
- #endif
- /* hasAnyFolding() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if there may be folded lines in the current window.
- */
- int
- hasAnyFolding(win)
- win_T *win;
- {
- /* very simple now, but can become more complex later */
- return (win->w_p_fen
- && (!foldmethodIsManual(win) || win->w_folds.ga_len > 0));
- }
- /* hasFolding() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if line "lnum" in the current window is part of a closed
- * fold.
- * When returning TRUE, *firstp and *lastp are set to the first and last
- * lnum of the sequence of folded lines (skipped when NULL).
- */
- int
- hasFolding(lnum, firstp, lastp)
- linenr_T lnum;
- linenr_T *firstp;
- linenr_T *lastp;
- {
- return hasFoldingWin(curwin, lnum, firstp, lastp, TRUE, NULL);
- }
- /* hasFoldingWin() {{{2 */
- int
- hasFoldingWin(win, lnum, firstp, lastp, cache, infop)
- win_T *win;
- linenr_T lnum;
- linenr_T *firstp;
- linenr_T *lastp;
- int cache; /* when TRUE: use cached values of window */
- foldinfo_T *infop; /* where to store fold info */
- {
- int had_folded = FALSE;
- linenr_T first = 0;
- linenr_T last = 0;
- linenr_T lnum_rel = lnum;
- int x;
- fold_T *fp;
- int level = 0;
- int use_level = FALSE;
- int maybe_small = FALSE;
- garray_T *gap;
- int low_level = 0;;
- checkupdate(win);
- /*
- * Return quickly when there is no folding at all in this window.
- */
- if (!hasAnyFolding(win))
- {
- if (infop != NULL)
- infop->fi_level = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (cache)
- {
- /*
- * First look in cached info for displayed lines. This is probably
- * the fastest, but it can only be used if the entry is still valid.
- */
- x = find_wl_entry(win, lnum);
- if (x >= 0)
- {
- first = win->w_lines[x].wl_lnum;
- last = win->w_lines[x].wl_lastlnum;
- had_folded = win->w_lines[x].wl_folded;
- }
- }
- if (first == 0)
- {
- /*
- * Recursively search for a fold that contains "lnum".
- */
- gap = &win->w_folds;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, lnum_rel, &fp))
- break;
- /* Remember lowest level of fold that starts in "lnum". */
- if (lnum_rel == fp->fd_top && low_level == 0)
- low_level = level + 1;
- first += fp->fd_top;
- last += fp->fd_top;
- /* is this fold closed? */
- had_folded = check_closed(win, fp, &use_level, level,
- &maybe_small, lnum - lnum_rel);
- if (had_folded)
- {
- /* Fold closed: Set last and quit loop. */
- last += fp->fd_len - 1;
- break;
- }
- /* Fold found, but it's open: Check nested folds. Line number is
- * relative to containing fold. */
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- lnum_rel -= fp->fd_top;
- ++level;
- }
- }
- if (!had_folded)
- {
- if (infop != NULL)
- {
- infop->fi_level = level;
- infop->fi_lnum = lnum - lnum_rel;
- infop->fi_low_level = low_level == 0 ? level : low_level;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (lastp != NULL)
- *lastp = last;
- if (firstp != NULL)
- *firstp = first;
- if (infop != NULL)
- {
- infop->fi_level = level + 1;
- infop->fi_lnum = first;
- infop->fi_low_level = low_level == 0 ? level + 1 : low_level;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* foldLevel() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return fold level at line number "lnum" in the current window.
- */
- int
- foldLevel(lnum)
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- /* While updating the folds lines between invalid_top and invalid_bot have
- * an undefined fold level. Otherwise update the folds first. */
- if (invalid_top == (linenr_T)0)
- checkupdate(curwin);
- else if (lnum >= invalid_top && lnum <= invalid_bot)
- return -1;
- /* Return quickly when there is no folding at all in this window. */
- if (!hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- return 0;
- return foldLevelWin(curwin, lnum);
- }
- /* lineFolded() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Low level function to check if a line is folded. Doesn't use any caching.
- * Return TRUE if line is folded.
- * Return FALSE if line is not folded.
- * Return MAYBE if the line is folded when next to a folded line.
- */
- int
- lineFolded(win, lnum)
- win_T *win;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- return foldedCount(win, lnum, NULL) != 0;
- }
- /* foldedCount() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Count the number of lines that are folded at line number "lnum".
- * Normally "lnum" is the first line of a possible fold, and the returned
- * number is the number of lines in the fold.
- * Doesn't use caching from the displayed window.
- * Returns number of folded lines from "lnum", or 0 if line is not folded.
- * When "infop" is not NULL, fills *infop with the fold level info.
- */
- long
- foldedCount(win, lnum, infop)
- win_T *win;
- linenr_T lnum;
- foldinfo_T *infop;
- {
- linenr_T last;
- if (hasFoldingWin(win, lnum, NULL, &last, FALSE, infop))
- return (long)(last - lnum + 1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* foldmethodIsManual() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "manual"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsManual(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[3] == 'u');
- }
- /* foldmethodIsIndent() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "indent"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsIndent(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[0] == 'i');
- }
- /* foldmethodIsExpr() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "expr"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsExpr(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[1] == 'x');
- }
- /* foldmethodIsMarker() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "marker"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsMarker(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[2] == 'r');
- }
- /* foldmethodIsSyntax() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "syntax"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsSyntax(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[0] == 's');
- }
- /* foldmethodIsDiff() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if 'foldmethod' is "diff"
- */
- int
- foldmethodIsDiff(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- return (wp->w_p_fdm[0] == 'd');
- }
- /* closeFold() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Close fold for current window at line "lnum".
- * Repeat "count" times.
- */
- void
- closeFold(lnum, count)
- linenr_T lnum;
- long count;
- {
- setFoldRepeat(lnum, count, FALSE);
- }
- /* closeFoldRecurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Close fold for current window at line "lnum" recursively.
- */
- void
- closeFoldRecurse(lnum)
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- (void)setManualFold(lnum, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
- }
- /* opFoldRange() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open or Close folds for current window in lines "first" to "last".
- * Used for "zo", "zO", "zc" and "zC" in Visual mode.
- */
- void
- opFoldRange(first, last, opening, recurse, had_visual)
- linenr_T first;
- linenr_T last;
- int opening; /* TRUE to open, FALSE to close */
- int recurse; /* TRUE to do it recursively */
- int had_visual; /* TRUE when Visual selection used */
- {
- int done = DONE_NOTHING; /* avoid error messages */
- linenr_T lnum;
- linenr_T lnum_next;
- for (lnum = first; lnum <= last; lnum = lnum_next + 1)
- {
- lnum_next = lnum;
- /* Opening one level only: next fold to open is after the one going to
- * be opened. */
- if (opening && !recurse)
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, NULL, &lnum_next);
- (void)setManualFold(lnum, opening, recurse, &done);
- /* Closing one level only: next line to close a fold is after just
- * closed fold. */
- if (!opening && !recurse)
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, NULL, &lnum_next);
- }
- if (done == DONE_NOTHING)
- EMSG(_(e_nofold));
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- /* Force a redraw to remove the Visual highlighting. */
- if (had_visual)
- redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
- #endif
- }
- /* openFold() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open fold for current window at line "lnum".
- * Repeat "count" times.
- */
- void
- openFold(lnum, count)
- linenr_T lnum;
- long count;
- {
- setFoldRepeat(lnum, count, TRUE);
- }
- /* openFoldRecurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open fold for current window at line "lnum" recursively.
- */
- void
- openFoldRecurse(lnum)
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- (void)setManualFold(lnum, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
- }
- /* foldOpenCursor() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open folds until the cursor line is not in a closed fold.
- */
- void
- foldOpenCursor()
- {
- int done;
- checkupdate(curwin);
- if (hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- for (;;)
- {
- done = DONE_NOTHING;
- (void)setManualFold(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE, FALSE, &done);
- if (!(done & DONE_ACTION))
- break;
- }
- }
- /* newFoldLevel() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Set new foldlevel for current window.
- */
- void
- newFoldLevel()
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- int i;
- checkupdate(curwin);
- if (curwin->w_fold_manual)
- {
- /* Set all flags for the first level of folds to FD_LEVEL. Following
- * manual open/close will then change the flags to FD_OPEN or
- * FD_CLOSED for those folds that don't use 'foldlevel'. */
- fp = (fold_T *)curwin->w_folds.ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < curwin->w_folds.ga_len; ++i)
- fp[i].fd_flags = FD_LEVEL;
- curwin->w_fold_manual = FALSE;
- }
- changed_window_setting();
- }
- /* foldCheckClose() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Apply 'foldlevel' to all folds that don't contain the cursor.
- */
- void
- foldCheckClose()
- {
- if (*p_fcl != NUL) /* can only be "all" right now */
- {
- checkupdate(curwin);
- if (checkCloseRec(&curwin->w_folds, curwin->w_cursor.lnum,
- (int)curwin->w_p_fdl))
- changed_window_setting();
- }
- }
- /* checkCloseRec() {{{2 */
- static int
- checkCloseRec(gap, lnum, level)
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T lnum;
- int level;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- int retval = FALSE;
- int i;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
- {
- /* Only manually opened folds may need to be closed. */
- if (fp[i].fd_flags == FD_OPEN)
- {
- if (level <= 0 && (lnum < fp[i].fd_top
- || lnum >= fp[i].fd_top + fp[i].fd_len))
- {
- fp[i].fd_flags = FD_LEVEL;
- retval = TRUE;
- }
- else
- retval |= checkCloseRec(&fp[i].fd_nested, lnum - fp[i].fd_top,
- level - 1);
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /* foldCreateAllowed() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return TRUE if it's allowed to manually create or delete a fold.
- * Give an error message and return FALSE if not.
- */
- int
- foldManualAllowed(create)
- int create;
- {
- if (foldmethodIsManual(curwin)
- || (foldmethodIsMarker(curwin) && *curbuf->b_p_cms != NUL))
- return TRUE;
- if (create)
- EMSG(_("E350: Cannot create fold with current 'foldmethod'"));
- else
- EMSG(_("E351: Cannot delete fold with current 'foldmethod'"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* foldCreate() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Create a fold from line "start" to line "end" (inclusive) in the current
- * window.
- */
- void
- foldCreate(start, end)
- linenr_T start;
- linenr_T end;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- garray_T *gap;
- garray_T fold_ga;
- int i, j;
- int cont;
- int use_level = FALSE;
- int closed = FALSE;
- int level = 0;
- linenr_T start_rel = start;
- linenr_T end_rel = end;
- if (start > end)
- {
- /* reverse the range */
- end = start_rel;
- start = end_rel;
- start_rel = start;
- end_rel = end;
- }
- /* When 'foldmethod' is "marker" add markers, which creates the folds. */
- if (foldmethodIsMarker(curwin))
- {
- foldCreateMarkers(start, end);
- return;
- }
- checkupdate(curwin);
- /* Find the place to insert the new fold. */
- gap = &curwin->w_folds;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, start_rel, &fp))
- break;
- if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len > end_rel)
- {
- /* New fold is completely inside this fold: Go one level deeper. */
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- start_rel -= fp->fd_top;
- end_rel -= fp->fd_top;
- if (use_level || fp->fd_flags == FD_LEVEL)
- {
- use_level = TRUE;
- if (level >= curwin->w_p_fdl)
- closed = TRUE;
- }
- else if (fp->fd_flags == FD_CLOSED)
- closed = TRUE;
- ++level;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This fold and new fold overlap: Insert here and move some folds
- * inside the new fold. */
- break;
- }
- }
- i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data);
- if (ga_grow(gap, 1) == OK)
- {
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- ga_init2(&fold_ga, (int)sizeof(fold_T), 10);
- /* Count number of folds that will be contained in the new fold. */
- for (cont = 0; i + cont < gap->ga_len; ++cont)
- if (fp[cont].fd_top > end_rel)
- break;
- if (cont > 0 && ga_grow(&fold_ga, cont) == OK)
- {
- /* If the first fold starts before the new fold, let the new fold
- * start there. Otherwise the existing fold would change. */
- if (start_rel > fp->fd_top)
- start_rel = fp->fd_top;
- /* When last contained fold isn't completely contained, adjust end
- * of new fold. */
- if (end_rel < fp[cont - 1].fd_top + fp[cont - 1].fd_len - 1)
- end_rel = fp[cont - 1].fd_top + fp[cont - 1].fd_len - 1;
- /* Move contained folds to inside new fold. */
- mch_memmove(fold_ga.ga_data, fp, sizeof(fold_T) * cont);
- fold_ga.ga_len += cont;
- fold_ga.ga_room -= cont;
- i += cont;
- /* Adjust line numbers in contained folds to be relative to the
- * new fold. */
- for (j = 0; j < cont; ++j)
- ((fold_T *)fold_ga.ga_data)[j].fd_top -= start_rel;
- }
- /* Move remaining entries to after the new fold. */
- if (i < gap->ga_len)
- mch_memmove(fp + 1, (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i,
- sizeof(fold_T) * (gap->ga_len - i));
- gap->ga_len = gap->ga_len + 1 - cont;
- gap->ga_room = gap->ga_room - 1 + cont;
- /* insert new fold */
- fp->fd_nested = fold_ga;
- fp->fd_top = start_rel;
- fp->fd_len = end_rel - start_rel + 1;
- /* We want the new fold to be closed. If it would remain open because
- * of using 'foldlevel', need to adjust fd_flags of containing folds.
- */
- if (use_level && !closed && level < curwin->w_p_fdl)
- closeFold(start, 1L);
- if (!use_level)
- curwin->w_fold_manual = TRUE;
- fp->fd_flags = FD_CLOSED;
- fp->fd_small = MAYBE;
- /* redraw */
- changed_window_setting();
- }
- }
- /* deleteFold() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Delete a fold at line "start" in the current window.
- * When "end" is not 0, delete all folds from "start" to "end".
- * When "recursive" is TRUE delete recursively.
- */
- void
- deleteFold(start, end, recursive, had_visual)
- linenr_T start;
- linenr_T end;
- int recursive;
- int had_visual; /* TRUE when Visual selection used */
- {
- garray_T *gap;
- fold_T *fp;
- garray_T *found_ga;
- fold_T *found_fp = NULL;
- linenr_T found_off = 0;
- int use_level = FALSE;
- int maybe_small = FALSE;
- int level = 0;
- linenr_T lnum = start;
- linenr_T lnum_off;
- int did_one = FALSE;
- linenr_T first_lnum = MAXLNUM;
- linenr_T last_lnum = 0;
- checkupdate(curwin);
- while (lnum <= end)
- {
- /* Find the deepest fold for "start". */
- gap = &curwin->w_folds;
- found_ga = NULL;
- lnum_off = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, lnum - lnum_off, &fp))
- break;
- /* lnum is inside this fold, remember info */
- found_ga = gap;
- found_fp = fp;
- found_off = lnum_off;
- /* if "lnum" is folded, don't check nesting */
- if (check_closed(curwin, fp, &use_level, level,
- &maybe_small, lnum_off))
- break;
- /* check nested folds */
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- lnum_off += fp->fd_top;
- ++level;
- }
- if (found_ga == NULL)
- {
- ++lnum;
- }
- else
- {
- lnum = found_fp->fd_top + found_fp->fd_len + found_off;
- did_one = TRUE;
- if (foldmethodIsManual(curwin))
- deleteFoldEntry(found_ga,
- (int)(found_fp - (fold_T *)found_ga->ga_data), recursive);
- else
- {
- if (found_fp->fd_top + found_off < first_lnum)
- first_lnum = found_fp->fd_top;
- if (lnum > last_lnum)
- last_lnum = lnum;
- parseMarker(curwin);
- deleteFoldMarkers(found_fp, recursive, found_off);
- }
- /* redraw window */
- changed_window_setting();
- }
- }
- if (!did_one)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_nofold));
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- /* Force a redraw to remove the Visual highlighting. */
- if (had_visual)
- redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
- #endif
- }
- if (last_lnum > 0)
- changed_lines(first_lnum, (colnr_T)0, last_lnum, 0L);
- }
- /* clearFolding() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Remove all folding for window "win".
- */
- void
- clearFolding(win)
- win_T *win;
- {
- deleteFoldRecurse(&win->w_folds);
- win->w_foldinvalid = FALSE;
- }
- /* foldUpdate() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update folds for changes in the buffer of a window.
- * Note that inserted/deleted lines must have already been taken care of by
- * calling foldMarkAdjust().
- * The changes in lines from top to bot (inclusive).
- */
- void
- foldUpdate(wp, top, bot)
- win_T *wp;
- linenr_T top;
- linenr_T bot;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- /* Mark all folds from top to bot as maybe-small. */
- (void)foldFind(&curwin->w_folds, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &fp);
- while (fp < (fold_T *)curwin->w_folds.ga_data + curwin->w_folds.ga_len
- && fp->fd_top < bot)
- {
- fp->fd_small = MAYBE;
- ++fp;
- }
- if (foldmethodIsIndent(wp)
- || foldmethodIsExpr(wp)
- || foldmethodIsMarker(wp)
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- || foldmethodIsDiff(wp)
- #endif
- || foldmethodIsSyntax(wp))
- foldUpdateIEMS(wp, top, bot);
- }
- /* foldUpdateAll() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update all lines in the current window for folding.
- * Used when a fold setting changes or after reloading the buffer.
- * The actual updating is postponed until fold info is used, to avoid doing
- * every time a setting is changed or a syntax item is added.
- */
- void
- foldUpdateAll(win)
- win_T *win;
- {
- win->w_foldinvalid = TRUE;
- }
- /* foldMoveTo() {{{2 */
- /*
- * If "updown" is FALSE: Move to the start or end of the fold.
- * If "updown" is TRUE: move to fold at the same level.
- * If not moved return FAIL.
- */
- int
- foldMoveTo(updown, dir, count)
- int updown;
- int dir; /* FORWARD or BACKWARD */
- long count;
- {
- long n;
- int retval = FAIL;
- linenr_T lnum_off;
- linenr_T lnum_found;
- linenr_T lnum;
- int use_level;
- int maybe_small;
- garray_T *gap;
- fold_T *fp;
- int level;
- int last;
- /* Repeat "count" times. */
- for (n = 0; n < count; ++n)
- {
- /* Find nested folds. Stop when a fold is closed. The deepest fold
- * that moves the cursor is used. */
- lnum_off = 0;
- gap = &curwin->w_folds;
- use_level = FALSE;
- maybe_small = FALSE;
- lnum_found = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- level = 0;
- last = FALSE;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, curwin->w_cursor.lnum - lnum_off, &fp))
- {
- if (!updown)
- break;
- /* When moving up, consider a fold above the cursor; when
- * moving down consider a fold below the cursor. */
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- if (fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data >= gap->ga_len)
- break;
- --fp;
- }
- else
- {
- if (fp == (fold_T *)gap->ga_data)
- break;
- }
- /* don't look for contained folds, they will always move
- * the cursor too far. */
- last = TRUE;
- }
- if (!last)
- {
- /* Check if this fold is closed. */
- if (check_closed(curwin, fp, &use_level, level,
- &maybe_small, lnum_off))
- last = TRUE;
- /* "[z" and "]z" stop at closed fold */
- if (last && !updown)
- break;
- }
- if (updown)
- {
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- /* to start of next fold if there is one */
- if (fp + 1 - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data < gap->ga_len)
- {
- lnum = fp[1].fd_top + lnum_off;
- if (lnum > curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- lnum_found = lnum;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* to end of previous fold if there is one */
- if (fp > (fold_T *)gap->ga_data)
- {
- lnum = fp[-1].fd_top + lnum_off + fp[-1].fd_len - 1;
- if (lnum < curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- lnum_found = lnum;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Open fold found, set cursor to its start/end and then check
- * nested folds. */
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- lnum = fp->fd_top + lnum_off + fp->fd_len - 1;
- if (lnum > curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- lnum_found = lnum;
- }
- else
- {
- lnum = fp->fd_top + lnum_off;
- if (lnum < curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- lnum_found = lnum;
- }
- }
- if (last)
- break;
- /* Check nested folds (if any). */
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- lnum_off += fp->fd_top;
- ++level;
- }
- if (lnum_found != curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum_found;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- retval = OK;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /* foldInitWin() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Init the fold info in a new window.
- */
- void
- foldInitWin(newwin)
- win_T *newwin;
- {
- ga_init2(&newwin->w_folds, (int)sizeof(fold_T), 10);
- }
- /* find_wl_entry() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Find an entry in the win->w_lines[] array for buffer line "lnum".
- * Only valid entries are considered (for entries where wl_valid is FALSE the
- * line number can be wrong).
- * Returns index of entry or -1 if not found.
- */
- int
- find_wl_entry(win, lnum)
- win_T *win;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- int i;
- if (win->w_lines_valid > 0)
- for (i = 0; i < win->w_lines_valid; ++i)
- if (win->w_lines[i].wl_valid)
- {
- if (lnum < win->w_lines[i].wl_lnum)
- return -1;
- if (lnum <= win->w_lines[i].wl_lastlnum)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* foldAdjustVisual() {{{2 */
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- /*
- * Adjust the Visual area to include any fold at the start or end completely.
- */
- void
- foldAdjustVisual()
- {
- pos_T *start, *end;
- char_u *ptr;
- if (!VIsual_active || !hasAnyFolding(curwin))
- return;
- if (ltoreq(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
- {
- start = &VIsual;
- end = &curwin->w_cursor;
- }
- else
- {
- start = &curwin->w_cursor;
- end = &VIsual;
- }
- if (hasFolding(start->lnum, &start->lnum, NULL))
- start->col = 0;
- if (hasFolding(end->lnum, NULL, &end->lnum))
- {
- ptr = ml_get(end->lnum);
- end->col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(ptr);
- if (end->col > 0 && *p_sel == 'o')
- --end->col;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- /* prevent cursor from moving on the trail byte */
- if (has_mbyte)
- mb_adjust_cursor();
- #endif
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* cursor_foldstart() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Move the cursor to the first line of a closed fold.
- */
- void
- foldAdjustCursor()
- {
- (void)hasFolding(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, &curwin->w_cursor.lnum, NULL);
- }
- /* Internal functions for "fold_T" {{{1 */
- /* cloneFoldGrowArray() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Will "clone" (i.e deep copy) a garray_T of folds.
- *
- * Return FAIL if the operation cannot be completed, otherwise OK.
- */
- void
- cloneFoldGrowArray(from, to)
- garray_T *from;
- garray_T *to;
- {
- int i;
- fold_T *from_p;
- fold_T *to_p;
- ga_init2(to, from->ga_itemsize, from->ga_growsize);
- if (from->ga_len == 0 || ga_grow(to, from->ga_len) == FAIL)
- return;
- from_p = (fold_T *)from->ga_data;
- to_p = (fold_T *)to->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < from->ga_len; i++)
- {
- to_p->fd_top = from_p->fd_top;
- to_p->fd_len = from_p->fd_len;
- to_p->fd_flags = from_p->fd_flags;
- to_p->fd_small = from_p->fd_small;
- cloneFoldGrowArray(&from_p->fd_nested, &to_p->fd_nested);
- ++to->ga_len;
- --to->ga_room;
- ++from_p;
- ++to_p;
- }
- }
- /* foldFind() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Search for line "lnum" in folds of growarray "gap".
- * Set *fpp to the fold struct for the fold that contains "lnum" or
- * the first fold below it (careful: it can be beyond the end of the array!).
- * Returns FALSE when there is no fold that contains "lnum".
- */
- static int
- foldFind(gap, lnum, fpp)
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T lnum;
- fold_T **fpp;
- {
- linenr_T low, high;
- fold_T *fp;
- int i;
- /*
- * Perform a binary search.
- * "low" is lowest index of possible match.
- * "high" is highest index of possible match.
- */
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- low = 0;
- high = gap->ga_len - 1;
- while (low <= high)
- {
- i = (low + high) / 2;
- if (fp[i].fd_top > lnum)
- /* fold below lnum, adjust high */
- high = i - 1;
- else if (fp[i].fd_top + fp[i].fd_len <= lnum)
- /* fold above lnum, adjust low */
- low = i + 1;
- else
- {
- /* lnum is inside this fold */
- *fpp = fp + i;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- *fpp = fp + low;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* foldLevelWin() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Return fold level at line number "lnum" in window "wp".
- */
- static int
- foldLevelWin(wp, lnum)
- win_T *wp;
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- linenr_T lnum_rel = lnum;
- int level = 0;
- garray_T *gap;
- /* Recursively search for a fold that contains "lnum". */
- gap = &wp->w_folds;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, lnum_rel, &fp))
- break;
- /* Check nested folds. Line number is relative to containing fold. */
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- lnum_rel -= fp->fd_top;
- ++level;
- }
- return level;
- }
- /* checkupdate() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Check if the folds in window "wp" are invalid and update them if needed.
- */
- static void
- checkupdate(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (wp->w_foldinvalid)
- {
- foldUpdate(wp, (linenr_T)1, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM); /* will update all */
- wp->w_foldinvalid = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* setFoldRepeat() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open or close fold for current window at line "lnum".
- * Repeat "count" times.
- */
- static void
- setFoldRepeat(lnum, count, open)
- linenr_T lnum;
- long count;
- int open;
- {
- int done;
- long n;
- for (n = 0; n < count; ++n)
- {
- done = DONE_NOTHING;
- (void)setManualFold(lnum, open, FALSE, &done);
- if (!(done & DONE_ACTION))
- {
- /* Only give an error message when no fold could be opened. */
- if (n == 0 && !(done & DONE_FOLD))
- EMSG(_(e_nofold));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* setManualFold() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open or close the fold in the current window which contains "lnum".
- * "donep", when not NULL, points to flag that is set to DONE_FOLD when some
- * fold was found and to DONE_ACTION when some fold was opened or closed.
- * When "donep" is NULL give an error message when no fold was found for
- * "lnum".
- * Return the line number of the next line that could be closed.
- * It's only valid when "opening" is TRUE!
- */
- static linenr_T
- setManualFold(lnum, opening, recurse, donep)
- linenr_T lnum;
- int opening; /* TRUE when opening, FALSE when closing */
- int recurse; /* TRUE when closing/opening recursive */
- int *donep;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- fold_T *fp2;
- fold_T *found = NULL;
- int j;
- int level = 0;
- int use_level = FALSE;
- int found_fold = FALSE;
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T next = MAXLNUM;
- linenr_T off = 0;
- int done = 0;
- checkupdate(curwin);
- /*
- * Find the fold, open or close it.
- */
- gap = &curwin->w_folds;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (!foldFind(gap, lnum, &fp))
- {
- /* If there is a following fold, continue there next time. */
- if (fp < (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + gap->ga_len)
- next = fp->fd_top + off;
- break;
- }
- /* lnum is inside this fold */
- found_fold = TRUE;
- /* If there is a following fold, continue there next time. */
- if (fp + 1 < (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + gap->ga_len)
- next = fp[1].fd_top + off;
- /* Change from level-dependent folding to manual. */
- if (use_level || fp->fd_flags == FD_LEVEL)
- {
- use_level = TRUE;
- if (level >= curwin->w_p_fdl)
- fp->fd_flags = FD_CLOSED;
- else
- fp->fd_flags = FD_OPEN;
- fp2 = (fold_T *)fp->fd_nested.ga_data;
- for (j = 0; j < fp->fd_nested.ga_len; ++j)
- fp2[j].fd_flags = FD_LEVEL;
- }
- /* Simple case: Close recursively means closing the fold. */
- if (!opening && recurse)
- {
- if (fp->fd_flags != FD_CLOSED)
- {
- done |= DONE_ACTION;
- fp->fd_flags = FD_CLOSED;
- }
- }
- else if (fp->fd_flags == FD_CLOSED)
- {
- /* When opening, open topmost closed fold. */
- if (opening)
- {
- fp->fd_flags = FD_OPEN;
- done |= DONE_ACTION;
- if (recurse)
- foldOpenNested(fp);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* fold is open, check nested folds */
- found = fp;
- gap = &fp->fd_nested;
- lnum -= fp->fd_top;
- off += fp->fd_top;
- ++level;
- }
- if (found_fold)
- {
- /* When closing and not recurse, close deepest open fold. */
- if (!opening && found != NULL)
- {
- found->fd_flags = FD_CLOSED;
- done |= DONE_ACTION;
- }
- curwin->w_fold_manual = TRUE;
- if (done & DONE_ACTION)
- changed_window_setting();
- done |= DONE_FOLD;
- }
- else if (donep == NULL)
- EMSG(_(e_nofold));
- if (donep != NULL)
- *donep |= done;
- return next;
- }
- /* foldOpenNested() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Open all nested folds in fold "fpr" recursively.
- */
- static void
- foldOpenNested(fpr)
- fold_T *fpr;
- {
- int i;
- fold_T *fp;
- fp = (fold_T *)fpr->fd_nested.ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < fpr->fd_nested.ga_len; ++i)
- {
- foldOpenNested(&fp[i]);
- fp[i].fd_flags = FD_OPEN;
- }
- }
- /* deleteFoldEntry() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Delete fold "idx" from growarray "gap".
- * When "recursive" is TRUE also delete all the folds contained in it.
- * When "recursive" is FALSE contained folds are moved one level up.
- */
- static void
- deleteFoldEntry(gap, idx, recursive)
- garray_T *gap;
- int idx;
- int recursive;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- int i;
- long moved;
- fold_T *nfp;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + idx;
- if (recursive || fp->fd_nested.ga_len == 0)
- {
- /* recursively delete the contained folds */
- deleteFoldRecurse(&fp->fd_nested);
- --gap->ga_len;
- ++gap->ga_room;
- if (idx < gap->ga_len)
- mch_memmove(fp, fp + 1, sizeof(fold_T) * (gap->ga_len - idx));
- }
- else
- {
- /* move nested folds one level up, to overwrite the fold that is
- * deleted. */
- moved = fp->fd_nested.ga_len;
- if (ga_grow(gap, (int)(moved - 1)) == OK)
- {
- /* adjust fd_top and fd_flags for the moved folds */
- nfp = (fold_T *)fp->fd_nested.ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < moved; ++i)
- {
- nfp[i].fd_top += fp->fd_top;
- if (fp->fd_flags == FD_LEVEL)
- nfp[i].fd_flags = FD_LEVEL;
- if (fp->fd_small == MAYBE)
- nfp[i].fd_small = MAYBE;
- }
- /* move the existing folds down to make room */
- if (idx < gap->ga_len)
- mch_memmove(fp + moved, fp + 1,
- sizeof(fold_T) * (gap->ga_len - idx));
- /* move the contained folds one level up */
- mch_memmove(fp, nfp, (size_t)(sizeof(fold_T) * moved));
- vim_free(nfp);
- gap->ga_len += moved - 1;
- gap->ga_room -= moved - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* deleteFoldRecurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Delete nested folds in a fold.
- */
- void
- deleteFoldRecurse(gap)
- garray_T *gap;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
- deleteFoldRecurse(&(((fold_T *)(gap->ga_data))[i].fd_nested));
- ga_clear(gap);
- }
- /* foldMarkAdjust() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update line numbers of folds for inserted/deleted lines.
- */
- void
- foldMarkAdjust(wp, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)
- win_T *wp;
- linenr_T line1;
- linenr_T line2;
- long amount;
- long amount_after;
- {
- /* If deleting marks from line1 to line2, but not deleting all those
- * lines, set line2 so that only deleted lines have their folds removed. */
- if (amount == MAXLNUM && line2 >= line1 && line2 - line1 >= -amount_after)
- line2 = line1 - amount_after - 1;
- /* If appending a line in Insert mode, it should be included in the fold
- * just above the line. */
- if ((State & INSERT) && amount == (linenr_T)1 && line2 == MAXLNUM)
- --line1;
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&wp->w_folds, line1, line2, amount, amount_after);
- }
- /* foldMarkAdjustRecurse() {{{2 */
- static void
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(gap, line1, line2, amount, amount_after)
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T line1;
- linenr_T line2;
- long amount;
- long amount_after;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- int i;
- linenr_T last;
- linenr_T top;
- /* In Insert mode an inserted line at the top of a fold is considered part
- * of the fold, otherwise it isn't. */
- if ((State & INSERT) && amount == (linenr_T)1 && line2 == MAXLNUM)
- top = line1 + 1;
- else
- top = line1;
- /* Find the fold containing or just below "line1". */
- (void)foldFind(gap, line1, &fp);
- /*
- * Adjust all folds below "line1" that are affected.
- */
- for (i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data); i < gap->ga_len; ++i, ++fp)
- {
- /*
- * Check for these situations:
- * 1 2 3
- * 1 2 3
- * line1 2 3 4 5
- * 2 3 4 5
- * 2 3 4 5
- * line2 2 3 4 5
- * 3 5 6
- * 3 5 6
- */
- last = fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len - 1; /* last line of fold */
- /* 1. fold completely above line1: nothing to do */
- if (last < line1)
- continue;
- /* 6. fold below line2: only adjust for amount_after */
- if (fp->fd_top > line2)
- {
- if (amount_after == 0)
- break;
- fp->fd_top += amount_after;
- }
- else
- {
- if (fp->fd_top >= top && last <= line2)
- {
- /* 4. fold completely contained in range */
- if (amount == MAXLNUM)
- {
- /* Deleting lines: delete the fold completely */
- deleteFoldEntry(gap, i, TRUE);
- --i; /* adjust index for deletion */
- --fp;
- }
- else
- fp->fd_top += amount;
- }
- else
- {
- /* 2, 3, or 5: need to correct nested folds too */
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp->fd_nested, line1 - fp->fd_top,
- line2 - fp->fd_top, amount, amount_after);
- if (fp->fd_top < top)
- {
- if (last <= line2)
- {
- /* 2. fold contains line1, line2 is below fold */
- if (amount == MAXLNUM)
- fp->fd_len = line1 - fp->fd_top;
- else
- fp->fd_len += amount;
- }
- else
- {
- /* 3. fold contains line1 and line2 */
- fp->fd_len += amount_after;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* 5. fold is below line1 and contains line2 */
- if (amount == MAXLNUM)
- {
- fp->fd_len -= line2 - fp->fd_top + 1;
- fp->fd_top = line1;
- }
- else
- {
- fp->fd_len += amount_after - amount;
- fp->fd_top += amount;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* getDeepestNesting() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Get the lowest 'foldlevel' value that makes the deepest nested fold in the
- * current window open.
- */
- int
- getDeepestNesting()
- {
- checkupdate(curwin);
- return getDeepestNestingRecurse(&curwin->w_folds);
- }
- static int
- getDeepestNestingRecurse(gap)
- garray_T *gap;
- {
- int i;
- int level;
- int maxlevel = 0;
- fold_T *fp;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
- {
- level = getDeepestNestingRecurse(&fp[i].fd_nested) + 1;
- if (level > maxlevel)
- maxlevel = level;
- }
- return maxlevel;
- }
- /* check_closed() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Check if a fold is closed and update the info needed to check nested folds.
- */
- static int
- check_closed(win, fp, use_levelp, level, maybe_smallp, lnum_off)
- win_T *win;
- fold_T *fp;
- int *use_levelp; /* TRUE: outer fold had FD_LEVEL */
- int level; /* folding depth */
- int *maybe_smallp; /* TRUE: outer this had fd_small == MAYBE */
- linenr_T lnum_off; /* line number offset for fp->fd_top */
- {
- int closed = FALSE;
- /* Check if this fold is closed. If the flag is FD_LEVEL this
- * fold and all folds it contains depend on 'foldlevel'. */
- if (*use_levelp || fp->fd_flags == FD_LEVEL)
- {
- *use_levelp = TRUE;
- if (level >= win->w_p_fdl)
- closed = TRUE;
- }
- else if (fp->fd_flags == FD_CLOSED)
- closed = TRUE;
- /* Small fold isn't closed anyway. */
- if (fp->fd_small == MAYBE)
- *maybe_smallp = TRUE;
- if (closed)
- {
- if (*maybe_smallp)
- fp->fd_small = MAYBE;
- checkSmall(win, fp, lnum_off);
- if (fp->fd_small == TRUE)
- closed = FALSE;
- }
- return closed;
- }
- /* checkSmall() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update fd_small field of fold "fp".
- */
- static void
- checkSmall(wp, fp, lnum_off)
- win_T *wp;
- fold_T *fp;
- linenr_T lnum_off; /* offset for fp->fd_top */
- {
- int count;
- int n;
- if (fp->fd_small == MAYBE)
- {
- /* Mark any nested folds to maybe-small */
- setSmallMaybe(&fp->fd_nested);
- if (fp->fd_len > curwin->w_p_fml)
- fp->fd_small = FALSE;
- else
- {
- count = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < fp->fd_len; ++n)
- {
- count += plines_win_nofold(wp, fp->fd_top + lnum_off + n);
- if (count > curwin->w_p_fml)
- {
- fp->fd_small = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- }
- fp->fd_small = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- /* setSmallMaybe() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Set small flags in "gap" to MAYBE.
- */
- static void
- setSmallMaybe(gap)
- garray_T *gap;
- {
- int i;
- fold_T *fp;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; ++i)
- fp[i].fd_small = MAYBE;
- }
- /* foldCreateMarkers() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Create a fold from line "start" to line "end" (inclusive) in the current
- * window by adding markers.
- */
- static void
- foldCreateMarkers(start, end)
- linenr_T start;
- linenr_T end;
- {
- if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
- return;
- }
- if (*curbuf->b_p_cms == NUL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E221: 'commentstring' is empty"));
- return;
- }
- parseMarker(curwin);
- foldAddMarker(start, curwin->w_p_fmr, foldstartmarkerlen);
- foldAddMarker(end, foldendmarker, foldendmarkerlen);
- /* Update both changes here, to avoid all folds after the start are
- * changed when the start marker is inserted and the end isn't. */
- changed_lines(start, (colnr_T)0, end, 0L);
- }
- /* foldAddMarker() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Add "marker[markerlen]" in 'commentstring' to line "lnum".
- */
- static void
- foldAddMarker(lnum, marker, markerlen)
- linenr_T lnum;
- char_u *marker;
- int markerlen;
- {
- char_u *cms = curbuf->b_p_cms;
- char_u *line;
- int line_len;
- char_u *newline;
- char_u *p = (char_u *)strstr((char *)curbuf->b_p_cms, "%s");
- /* Allocate a new line: old-line + 'cms'-start + marker + 'cms'-end */
- line = ml_get(lnum);
- line_len = (int)STRLEN(line);
- newline = alloc((unsigned)(line_len + markerlen + STRLEN(cms) - 1));
- if (newline == NULL)
- return;
- if (u_save(lnum - 1, lnum + 1) == OK)
- {
- STRCPY(newline, line);
- STRCPY(newline + line_len, cms);
- STRNCPY(newline + line_len + (p - cms), marker, markerlen);
- STRCPY(newline + line_len + (p - cms) + markerlen, p + 2);
- ml_replace(lnum, newline, FALSE);
- }
- }
- /* deleteFoldMarkers() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Delete the markers for a fold, causing it to be deleted.
- */
- static void
- deleteFoldMarkers(fp, recursive, lnum_off)
- fold_T *fp;
- int recursive;
- linenr_T lnum_off; /* offset for fp->fd_top */
- {
- int i;
- if (recursive)
- for (i = 0; i < fp->fd_nested.ga_len; ++i)
- deleteFoldMarkers((fold_T *)fp->fd_nested.ga_data + i, TRUE,
- lnum_off + fp->fd_top);
- foldDelMarker(fp->fd_top + lnum_off, curwin->w_p_fmr, foldstartmarkerlen);
- foldDelMarker(fp->fd_top + lnum_off + fp->fd_len - 1,
- foldendmarker, foldendmarkerlen);
- }
- /* foldDelMarker() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Delete marker "marker[markerlen]" at the end of line "lnum".
- * Delete 'commentstring' if it matches.
- * If the marker is not found, there is no error message. Could a missing
- * close-marker.
- */
- static void
- foldDelMarker(lnum, marker, markerlen)
- linenr_T lnum;
- char_u *marker;
- int markerlen;
- {
- char_u *line;
- char_u *newline;
- char_u *p;
- int len;
- char_u *cms = curbuf->b_p_cms;
- char_u *cms2;
- line = ml_get(lnum);
- for (p = line; *p != NUL; ++p)
- if (STRNCMP(p, marker, markerlen) == 0)
- {
- /* Found the marker, include a digit if it's there. */
- len = markerlen;
- if (isdigit(p[len]))
- ++len;
- if (*cms != NUL)
- {
- /* Also delete 'commentstring' if it matches. */
- cms2 = (char_u *)strstr((char *)cms, "%s");
- if (p - line >= cms2 - cms
- && STRNCMP(p - (cms2 - cms), cms, cms2 - cms) == 0
- && STRNCMP(p + len, cms2 + 2, STRLEN(cms2 + 2)) == 0)
- {
- p -= cms2 - cms;
- len += (int)STRLEN(cms) - 2;
- }
- }
- if (u_save(lnum - 1, lnum + 1) == OK)
- {
- /* Make new line: text-before-marker + text-after-marker */
- newline = alloc((unsigned)(STRLEN(line) - len + 1));
- if (newline != NULL)
- {
- STRNCPY(newline, line, p - line);
- STRCPY(newline + (p - line), p + len);
- ml_replace(lnum, newline, FALSE);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* foldtext_cleanup() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Remove 'foldmarker' and 'commentstring' from "str" (in-place).
- */
- void
- foldtext_cleanup(str)
- char_u *str;
- {
- char_u *cms_start; /* first part or the whole comment */
- int cms_slen = 0; /* length of cms_start */
- char_u *cms_end; /* last part of the comment or NULL */
- int cms_elen = 0; /* length of cms_end */
- char_u *s;
- int len;
- int did1 = FALSE;
- int did2 = FALSE;
- /* Ignore leading and trailing white space in 'commentstring'. */
- cms_start = skipwhite(curbuf->b_p_cms);
- cms_slen = STRLEN(cms_start);
- while (cms_slen > 0 && vim_iswhite(cms_start[cms_slen - 1]))
- --cms_slen;
- /* locate "%s" in 'commentstring', use the part before and after it. */
- cms_end = (char_u *)strstr((char *)cms_start, "%s");
- if (cms_end != NULL)
- {
- cms_elen = cms_slen - (cms_end - cms_start);
- cms_slen = cms_end - cms_start;
- /* exclude white space before "%s" */
- while (cms_slen > 0 && vim_iswhite(cms_start[cms_slen - 1]))
- --cms_slen;
- /* skip "%s" and white space after it */
- s = skipwhite(cms_end + 2);
- cms_elen -= s - cms_end;
- cms_end = s;
- }
- parseMarker(curwin);
- for (s = str; *s != NUL; )
- {
- len = 0;
- if (STRNCMP(s, curwin->w_p_fmr, foldstartmarkerlen) == 0)
- {
- len = foldstartmarkerlen;
- if (isdigit(s[len]))
- ++len;
- }
- else if (STRNCMP(s, foldendmarker, foldendmarkerlen) == 0)
- {
- len = foldendmarkerlen;
- if (isdigit(s[len]))
- ++len;
- }
- else if (cms_end != NULL)
- {
- if (!did1 && STRNCMP(s, cms_start, cms_slen) == 0)
- {
- len = cms_slen;
- did1 = TRUE;
- }
- else if (!did2 && STRNCMP(s, cms_end, cms_elen) == 0)
- {
- len = cms_elen;
- did2 = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (len != 0)
- {
- while (vim_iswhite(s[len]))
- ++len;
- mch_memmove(s, s + len, STRLEN(s + len) + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- s += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(s);
- else
- #endif
- ++s;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Folding by indent, expr, marker and syntax. {{{1 */
- /* Define "fline_T", passed to get fold level for a line. {{{2 */
- typedef struct
- {
- win_T *wp; /* window */
- linenr_T lnum; /* current line number */
- linenr_T off; /* offset between lnum and real line number */
- linenr_T lnum_save; /* line nr used by foldUpdateIEMSRecurse() */
- int lvl; /* current level (-1 for undefined) */
- int lvl_next; /* level used for next line */
- int start; /* number of folds that are forced to start at
- this line. */
- int end; /* level of fold that is forced to end below
- this line */
- int had_end; /* level of fold that is forced to end above
- this line (copy of "end" of prev. line) */
- } fline_T;
- /* Flag is set when redrawing is needed. */
- static int fold_changed;
- /* Function declarations. {{{2 */
- static linenr_T foldUpdateIEMSRecurse __ARGS((garray_T *gap, int level, linenr_T startlnum, fline_T *flp, void (*getlevel)__ARGS((fline_T *)), linenr_T bot, int topflags));
- static int foldInsert __ARGS((garray_T *gap, int i));
- static void foldSplit __ARGS((garray_T *gap, int i, linenr_T top, linenr_T bot));
- static void foldRemove __ARGS((garray_T *gap, linenr_T top, linenr_T bot));
- static void foldMerge __ARGS((fold_T *fp1, garray_T *gap, fold_T *fp2));
- static void foldlevelIndent __ARGS((fline_T *flp));
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- static void foldlevelDiff __ARGS((fline_T *flp));
- #endif
- static void foldlevelExpr __ARGS((fline_T *flp));
- static void foldlevelMarker __ARGS((fline_T *flp));
- static void foldlevelSyntax __ARGS((fline_T *flp));
- /* foldUpdateIEMS() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update the folding for window "wp", at least from lines "top" to "bot".
- * Return TRUE if any folds did change.
- */
- static void
- foldUpdateIEMS(wp, top, bot)
- win_T *wp;
- linenr_T top;
- linenr_T bot;
- {
- linenr_T start;
- linenr_T end;
- fline_T fline;
- void (*getlevel)__ARGS((fline_T *));
- int level;
- fold_T *fp;
- /* Avoid problems when being called recursively. */
- if (invalid_top != (linenr_T)0)
- return;
- if (wp->w_foldinvalid)
- {
- /* Need to update all folds. */
- top = 1;
- bot = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- wp->w_foldinvalid = FALSE;
- /* Mark all folds a maybe-small. */
- setSmallMaybe(&wp->w_folds);
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /* add the context for "diff" folding */
- if (foldmethodIsDiff(wp))
- {
- if (top > diff_context)
- top -= diff_context;
- else
- top = 1;
- bot += diff_context;
- }
- #endif
- /* When deleting lines at the end of the buffer "top" can be past the end
- * of the buffer. */
- if (top > wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- top = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- fold_changed = FALSE;
- fline.wp = wp;
- fline.off = 0;
- fline.lvl = 0;
- fline.lvl_next = -1;
- fline.start = 0;
- fline.end = MAX_LEVEL + 1;
- fline.had_end = MAX_LEVEL + 1;
- invalid_top = top;
- invalid_bot = bot;
- if (foldmethodIsMarker(wp))
- {
- getlevel = foldlevelMarker;
- /* Init marker variables to speed up foldlevelMarker(). */
- parseMarker(wp);
- /* Need to get the level of the line above top, it is used if there is
- * no marker at the top. */
- if (top > 1)
- {
- /* Get the fold level at top - 1. */
- level = foldLevelWin(wp, top - 1);
- /* The fold may end just above the top, check for that. */
- fline.lnum = top - 1;
- fline.lvl = level;
- getlevel(&fline);
- /* If a fold started here, we already had the level, if it stops
- * here, we need to use lvl_next. Could also start and end a fold
- * in the same line. */
- if (fline.lvl > level)
- fline.lvl = level - (fline.lvl - fline.lvl_next);
- else
- fline.lvl = fline.lvl_next;
- }
- fline.lnum = top;
- getlevel(&fline);
- }
- else
- {
- fline.lnum = top;
- if (foldmethodIsExpr(wp))
- {
- getlevel = foldlevelExpr;
- /* start one line back, because a "<1" may indicate the end of a
- * fold in the topline */
- if (top > 1)
- --fline.lnum;
- }
- else if (foldmethodIsSyntax(wp))
- getlevel = foldlevelSyntax;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- else if (foldmethodIsDiff(wp))
- getlevel = foldlevelDiff;
- #endif
- else
- getlevel = foldlevelIndent;
- /* Backup to a line for which the fold level is defined. Since it's
- * always defined for line one, we will stop there. */
- fline.lvl = -1;
- for ( ; !got_int; --fline.lnum)
- {
- /* Reset lvl_next each time, because it will be set to a value for
- * the next line, but we search backwards here. */
- fline.lvl_next = -1;
- getlevel(&fline);
- if (fline.lvl >= 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- start = fline.lnum;
- end = bot;
- /* Do at least one line. */
- if (start > end && end < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- end = start;
- while (!got_int)
- {
- /* Always stop at the end of the file ("end" can be past the end of
- * the file). */
- if (fline.lnum > wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- break;
- if (fline.lnum > end)
- {
- /* For "marker", "expr" and "syntax" methods: If a change caused
- * a fold to be removed, we need to continue at least until where
- * it ended. */
- if (getlevel != foldlevelMarker
- && getlevel != foldlevelSyntax
- && getlevel != foldlevelExpr)
- break;
- if ((start <= end
- && foldFind(&wp->w_folds, end, &fp)
- && fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len - 1 > end)
- || (fline.lvl == 0
- && foldFind(&wp->w_folds, fline.lnum, &fp)
- && fp->fd_top < fline.lnum))
- end = fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len - 1;
- else if (getlevel == foldlevelSyntax
- && foldLevelWin(wp, fline.lnum) != fline.lvl)
- /* For "syntax" method: Compare the foldlevel that the syntax
- * tells us to the foldlevel from the existing folds. If they
- * don't match continue updating folds. */
- end = fline.lnum;
- else
- break;
- }
- /* A level 1 fold starts at a line with foldlevel > 0. */
- if (fline.lvl > 0)
- {
- invalid_top = fline.lnum;
- invalid_bot = end;
- end = foldUpdateIEMSRecurse(&wp->w_folds,
- 1, start, &fline, getlevel, end, FD_LEVEL);
- start = fline.lnum;
- }
- else
- {
- if (fline.lnum == wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- break;
- ++fline.lnum;
- fline.lvl = fline.lvl_next;
- getlevel(&fline);
- }
- }
- /* There can't be any folds from start until end now. */
- foldRemove(&wp->w_folds, start, end);
- /* If some fold changed, need to redraw and position cursor. */
- if (fold_changed && wp->w_p_fen)
- changed_window_setting();
- /* If we updated folds past "bot", need to redraw more lines. Don't do
- * this in other situations, the changed lines will be redrawn anyway and
- * this method can cause the whole window to be updated. */
- if (end != bot)
- {
- if (wp->w_redraw_top == 0 || wp->w_redraw_top > top)
- wp->w_redraw_top = top;
- if (wp->w_redraw_bot < end)
- wp->w_redraw_bot = end;
- }
- invalid_top = (linenr_T)0;
- }
- /* foldUpdateIEMSRecurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Update a fold that starts at "flp->lnum". At this line there is always a
- * valid foldlevel, and its level >= "level".
- * "flp" is valid for "flp->lnum" when called and it's valid when returning.
- * "flp->lnum" is set to the lnum just below the fold, if it ends before
- * "bot", it's "bot" plus one if the fold continues and it's bigger when using
- * the marker method and a text change made following folds to change.
- * When returning, "flp->lnum_save" is the line number that was used to get
- * the level when the level at "flp->lnum" is invalid.
- * Remove any folds from "startlnum" up to here at this level.
- * Recursively update nested folds.
- * Below line "bot" there are no changes in the text.
- * "flp->lnum", "flp->lnum_save" and "bot" are relative to the start of the
- * outer fold.
- * "flp->off" is the offset to the real line number in the buffer.
- *
- * All this would be a lot simpler if all folds in the range would be deleted
- * and then created again. But we would loose all information about the
- * folds, even when making changes that don't affect the folding (e.g. "vj~").
- *
- * Returns bot, which may have been increased for lines that also need to be
- * updated as a result of a detected change in the fold.
- */
- static linenr_T
- foldUpdateIEMSRecurse(gap, level, startlnum, flp, getlevel, bot, topflags)
- garray_T *gap;
- int level;
- linenr_T startlnum;
- fline_T *flp;
- void (*getlevel)__ARGS((fline_T *));
- linenr_T bot;
- int topflags; /* flags used by containing fold */
- {
- linenr_T ll;
- fold_T *fp = NULL;
- fold_T *fp2;
- int lvl = level;
- linenr_T startlnum2 = startlnum;
- linenr_T firstlnum = flp->lnum; /* first lnum we got */
- int i;
- int finish = FALSE;
- linenr_T linecount = flp->wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count - flp->off;
- int concat;
- /*
- * If using the marker method, the start line is not the start of a fold
- * at the level we're dealing with and the level is non-zero, we must use
- * the previous fold. But ignore a fold that starts at or below
- * startlnum, it must be deleted.
- */
- if (getlevel == foldlevelMarker && flp->start <= flp->lvl - level
- && flp->lvl > 0)
- {
- foldFind(gap, startlnum - 1, &fp);
- if (fp >= ((fold_T *)gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len
- || fp->fd_top >= startlnum)
- fp = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Loop over all lines in this fold, or until "bot" is hit.
- * Handle nested folds inside of this fold.
- * "flp->lnum" is the current line. When finding the end of the fold, it
- * is just below the end of the fold.
- * "*flp" contains the level of the line "flp->lnum" or a following one if
- * there are lines with an invalid fold level. "flp->lnum_save" is the
- * line number that was used to get the fold level (below "flp->lnum" when
- * it has an invalid fold level). When called the fold level is always
- * valid, thus "flp->lnum_save" is equal to "flp->lnum".
- */
- flp->lnum_save = flp->lnum;
- while (!got_int)
- {
- /* Updating folds can be slow, check for CTRL-C. */
- line_breakcheck();
- /* Set "lvl" to the level of line "flp->lnum". When flp->start is set
- * and after the first line of the fold, set the level to zero to
- * force the fold to end. Do the same when had_end is set: Previous
- * line was marked as end of a fold. */
- lvl = flp->lvl;
- if (lvl > MAX_LEVEL)
- lvl = MAX_LEVEL;
- if (flp->lnum > firstlnum
- && (level > lvl - flp->start || level >= flp->had_end))
- lvl = 0;
- if (flp->lnum > bot && !finish && fp != NULL)
- {
- /* For "marker" and "syntax" methods:
- * - If a change caused a nested fold to be removed, we need to
- * delete it and continue at least until where it ended.
- * - If a change caused a nested fold to be created, or this fold
- * to continue below its original end, need to finish this fold.
- */
- if (getlevel != foldlevelMarker
- && getlevel != foldlevelExpr
- && getlevel != foldlevelSyntax)
- break;
- if (lvl == level
- && foldFind(&fp->fd_nested, flp->lnum - fp->fd_top, &fp2))
- bot = fp2->fd_top + fp2->fd_len - 1 + fp->fd_top;
- else if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len <= flp->lnum && lvl >= level)
- finish = TRUE;
- else
- break;
- }
- /* At the start of the first nested fold and at the end of the current
- * fold: check if existing folds at this level, before the current
- * one, need to be deleted or truncated. */
- if (fp == NULL
- && (lvl != level
- || flp->lnum_save >= bot
- || flp->start != 0
- || flp->had_end <= MAX_LEVEL
- || flp->lnum == linecount))
- {
- /*
- * Remove or update folds that have lines between startlnum and
- * firstlnum.
- */
- while (!got_int)
- {
- /* set concat to 1 if it's allowed to concatenated this fold
- * with a previous one that touches it. */
- if (flp->start != 0 || flp->had_end <= MAX_LEVEL)
- concat = 0;
- else
- concat = 1;
- /* Find an existing fold to re-use. Preferably one that
- * includes startlnum, otherwise one that ends just before
- * startlnum or starts after it. */
- if (foldFind(gap, startlnum, &fp)
- || (fp < ((fold_T *)gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len
- && fp->fd_top <= firstlnum)
- || foldFind(gap, firstlnum - concat, &fp)
- || (fp < ((fold_T *)gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len
- && ((lvl < level && fp->fd_top < flp->lnum)
- || (lvl >= level
- && fp->fd_top <= flp->lnum_save))))
- {
- if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len + concat > firstlnum)
- {
- /* Use existing fold for the new fold. If it starts
- * before where we started looking, extend it. If it
- * starts at another line, update nested folds to keep
- * their position, compensating for the new fd_top. */
- if (fp->fd_top >= startlnum && fp->fd_top != firstlnum)
- {
- if (fp->fd_top > firstlnum)
- /* like lines are inserted */
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp->fd_nested,
- (linenr_T)0, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM,
- (long)(fp->fd_top - firstlnum), 0L);
- else
- /* like lines are deleted */
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp->fd_nested,
- (linenr_T)0,
- (long)(firstlnum - fp->fd_top - 1),
- (linenr_T)MAXLNUM,
- (long)(fp->fd_top - firstlnum));
- fp->fd_len += fp->fd_top - firstlnum;
- fp->fd_top = firstlnum;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- else if (flp->start != 0 && lvl == level
- && fp->fd_top != firstlnum)
- {
- /* Existing fold that includes startlnum must stop
- * if we find the start of a new fold at the same
- * level. Split it. Delete contained folds at
- * this point to split them too. */
- foldRemove(&fp->fd_nested, flp->lnum - fp->fd_top,
- flp->lnum - fp->fd_top);
- i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data);
- foldSplit(gap, i, flp->lnum, flp->lnum - 1);
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i + 1;
- /* If using the "marker" or "syntax" method, we
- * need to continue until the end of the fold is
- * found. */
- if (getlevel == foldlevelMarker
- || getlevel == foldlevelExpr
- || getlevel == foldlevelSyntax)
- finish = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (fp->fd_top >= startlnum)
- {
- /* A fold that starts at or after startlnum and stops
- * before the new fold must be deleted. Continue
- * looking for the next one. */
- deleteFoldEntry(gap,
- (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data), TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* A fold has some lines above startlnum, truncate it
- * to stop just above startlnum. */
- fp->fd_len = startlnum - fp->fd_top;
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp->fd_nested,
- (linenr_T)fp->fd_len, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM,
- (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, 0L);
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Insert new fold. Careful: ga_data may be NULL and it
- * may change! */
- i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data);
- if (foldInsert(gap, i) != OK)
- return bot;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- /* The new fold continues until bot, unless we find the
- * end earlier. */
- fp->fd_top = firstlnum;
- fp->fd_len = bot - firstlnum + 1;
- /* When the containing fold is open, the new fold is open.
- * The new fold is closed if the fold above it is closed.
- * The first fold depends on the containing fold. */
- if (topflags == FD_OPEN)
- {
- flp->wp->w_fold_manual = TRUE;
- fp->fd_flags = FD_OPEN;
- }
- else if (i <= 0)
- {
- fp->fd_flags = topflags;
- if (topflags != FD_LEVEL)
- flp->wp->w_fold_manual = TRUE;
- }
- else
- fp->fd_flags = (fp - 1)->fd_flags;
- fp->fd_small = MAYBE;
- /* If using the "marker", "expr" or "syntax" method, we
- * need to continue until the end of the fold is found. */
- if (getlevel == foldlevelMarker
- || getlevel == foldlevelExpr
- || getlevel == foldlevelSyntax)
- finish = TRUE;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (lvl < level || flp->lnum > linecount)
- {
- /*
- * Found a line with a lower foldlevel, this fold ends just above
- * "flp->lnum".
- */
- break;
- }
- /*
- * The fold includes the line "flp->lnum" and "flp->lnum_save".
- */
- if (lvl > level)
- {
- /*
- * There is a nested fold, handle it recursively.
- */
- /* At least do one line (can happen when finish is TRUE). */
- if (bot < flp->lnum)
- bot = flp->lnum;
- /* Line numbers in the nested fold are relative to the start of
- * this fold. */
- flp->lnum = flp->lnum_save - fp->fd_top;
- flp->off += fp->fd_top;
- i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data);
- bot = foldUpdateIEMSRecurse(&fp->fd_nested, level + 1,
- startlnum2 - fp->fd_top, flp, getlevel,
- bot - fp->fd_top, fp->fd_flags);
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- flp->lnum += fp->fd_top;
- flp->lnum_save += fp->fd_top;
- flp->off -= fp->fd_top;
- bot += fp->fd_top;
- startlnum2 = flp->lnum;
- /* This fold may end at the same line, don't incr. flp->lnum. */
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Get the level of the next line, then continue the loop to check
- * if it ends there.
- * Skip over undefined lines, to find the foldlevel after it.
- * For the last line in the file the foldlevel is always valid.
- */
- flp->lnum = flp->lnum_save;
- ll = flp->lnum + 1;
- while (!got_int)
- {
- if (++flp->lnum > linecount)
- break;
- flp->lvl = flp->lvl_next;
- getlevel(flp);
- if (flp->lvl >= 0 || flp->had_end <= MAX_LEVEL)
- break;
- }
- if (flp->lnum > linecount)
- break;
- /* leave flp->lnum_save to lnum of the line that was used to get
- * the level, flp->lnum to the lnum of the next line. */
- flp->lnum_save = flp->lnum;
- flp->lnum = ll;
- }
- }
- if (fp == NULL) /* only happens when got_int is set */
- return bot;
- /*
- * Get here when:
- * lvl < level: the folds ends just above "flp->lnum"
- * lvl >= level: fold continues below "bot"
- */
- /* Current fold at least extends until lnum. */
- if (fp->fd_len < flp->lnum - fp->fd_top)
- {
- fp->fd_len = flp->lnum - fp->fd_top;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- /* Delete contained folds from the end of the last one found until where
- * we stopped looking. */
- foldRemove(&fp->fd_nested, startlnum2 - fp->fd_top,
- flp->lnum - 1 - fp->fd_top);
- if (lvl < level)
- {
- /* End of fold found, update the length when it got shorter. */
- if (fp->fd_len != flp->lnum - fp->fd_top)
- {
- if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len > bot + 1)
- {
- /* fold coninued below bot */
- if (getlevel == foldlevelMarker
- || getlevel == foldlevelExpr
- || getlevel == foldlevelSyntax)
- {
- /* marker method: truncate the fold and make sure the
- * previously included lines are processed again */
- bot = fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len - 1;
- fp->fd_len = flp->lnum - fp->fd_top;
- }
- else
- {
- /* indent or expr method: split fold to create a new one
- * below bot */
- i = (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data);
- foldSplit(gap, i, flp->lnum, bot);
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- }
- }
- else
- fp->fd_len = flp->lnum - fp->fd_top;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* delete following folds that end before the current line */
- for (;;)
- {
- fp2 = fp + 1;
- if (fp2 >= (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + gap->ga_len
- || fp2->fd_top > flp->lnum)
- break;
- if (fp2->fd_top + fp2->fd_len > flp->lnum)
- {
- if (fp2->fd_top < flp->lnum)
- {
- /* Make fold that includes lnum start at lnum. */
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp2->fd_nested,
- (linenr_T)0, (long)(flp->lnum - fp2->fd_top - 1),
- (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, (long)(fp2->fd_top - flp->lnum));
- fp2->fd_len -= flp->lnum - fp2->fd_top;
- fp2->fd_top = flp->lnum;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- if (lvl >= level)
- {
- /* merge new fold with existing fold that follows */
- foldMerge(fp, gap, fp2);
- }
- break;
- }
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- deleteFoldEntry(gap, (int)(fp2 - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data), TRUE);
- }
- /* Need to redraw the lines we inspected, which might be further down than
- * was asked for. */
- if (bot < flp->lnum - 1)
- bot = flp->lnum - 1;
- return bot;
- }
- /* foldInsert() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Insert a new fold in "gap" at position "i".
- * Returns OK for success, FAIL for failure.
- */
- static int
- foldInsert(gap, i)
- garray_T *gap;
- int i;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- if (ga_grow(gap, 1) != OK)
- return FAIL;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- if (i < gap->ga_len)
- mch_memmove(fp + 1, fp, sizeof(fold_T) * (gap->ga_len - i));
- ++gap->ga_len;
- --gap->ga_room;
- ga_init2(&fp->fd_nested, (int)sizeof(fold_T), 10);
- return OK;
- }
- /* foldSplit() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Split the "i"th fold in "gap", which starts before "top" and ends below
- * "bot" in two pieces, one ending above "top" and the other starting below
- * "bot".
- * The caller must first have taken care of any nested folds from "top" to
- * "bot"!
- */
- static void
- foldSplit(gap, i, top, bot)
- garray_T *gap;
- int i;
- linenr_T top;
- linenr_T bot;
- {
- fold_T *fp;
- fold_T *fp2;
- garray_T *gap1;
- garray_T *gap2;
- int idx;
- int len;
- /* The fold continues below bot, need to split it. */
- if (foldInsert(gap, i + 1) == FAIL)
- return;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data + i;
- fp[1].fd_top = bot + 1;
- fp[1].fd_len = fp->fd_len - (fp[1].fd_top - fp->fd_top);
- fp[1].fd_flags = fp->fd_flags;
- /* Move nested folds below bot to new fold. There can't be
- * any between top and bot, they have been removed by the caller. */
- gap1 = &fp->fd_nested;
- gap2 = &fp[1].fd_nested;
- (void)(foldFind(gap1, bot + 1 - fp->fd_top, &fp2));
- len = (int)((fold_T *)gap1->ga_data + gap1->ga_len - fp2);
- if (len > 0 && ga_grow(gap2, len) == OK)
- {
- for (idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx)
- {
- ((fold_T *)gap2->ga_data)[idx] = fp2[idx];
- ((fold_T *)gap2->ga_data)[idx].fd_top
- -= fp[1].fd_top - fp->fd_top;
- }
- gap2->ga_len = len;
- gap2->ga_room -= len;
- gap1->ga_len -= len;
- gap1->ga_room += len;
- }
- fp->fd_len = top - fp->fd_top;
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- /* foldRemove() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Remove folds within the range "top" to and including "bot".
- * Check for these situations:
- * 1 2 3
- * 1 2 3
- * top 2 3 4 5
- * 2 3 4 5
- * bot 2 3 4 5
- * 3 5 6
- * 3 5 6
- *
- * 1: not changed
- * 2: trunate to stop above "top"
- * 3: split in two parts, one stops above "top", other starts below "bot".
- * 4: deleted
- * 5: made to start below "bot".
- * 6: not changed
- */
- static void
- foldRemove(gap, top, bot)
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T top;
- linenr_T bot;
- {
- fold_T *fp = NULL;
- if (bot < top)
- return; /* nothing to do */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Find fold that includes top or a following one. */
- if (foldFind(gap, top, &fp) && fp->fd_top < top)
- {
- /* 2: or 3: need to delete nested folds */
- foldRemove(&fp->fd_nested, top - fp->fd_top, bot - fp->fd_top);
- if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len > bot + 1)
- {
- /* 3: need to split it. */
- foldSplit(gap, (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data), top, bot);
- }
- else
- {
- /* 2: truncate fold at "top". */
- fp->fd_len = top - fp->fd_top;
- }
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- if (fp >= (fold_T *)(gap->ga_data) + gap->ga_len
- || fp->fd_top > bot)
- {
- /* 6: Found a fold below bot, can stop looking. */
- break;
- }
- if (fp->fd_top >= top)
- {
- /* Found an entry below top. */
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- if (fp->fd_top + fp->fd_len > bot)
- {
- /* 5: Make fold that includes bot start below bot. */
- foldMarkAdjustRecurse(&fp->fd_nested,
- (linenr_T)0, (long)(bot - fp->fd_top),
- (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, (long)(fp->fd_top - bot - 1));
- fp->fd_len -= bot - fp->fd_top + 1;
- fp->fd_top = bot + 1;
- break;
- }
- /* 4: Delete completely contained fold. */
- deleteFoldEntry(gap, (int)(fp - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data), TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- /* foldMerge() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Merge two adjecent folds (and the nested ones in them).
- * This only works correctly when the folds are really adjecent! Thus "fp1"
- * must end just above "fp2".
- * The resulting fold is "fp1", nested folds are moved from "fp2" to "fp1".
- * Fold entry "fp2" in "gap" is deleted.
- */
- static void
- foldMerge(fp1, gap, fp2)
- fold_T *fp1;
- garray_T *gap;
- fold_T *fp2;
- {
- fold_T *fp3;
- fold_T *fp4;
- int idx;
- garray_T *gap1 = &fp1->fd_nested;
- garray_T *gap2 = &fp2->fd_nested;
- /* If the last nested fold in fp1 touches the first nested fold in fp2,
- * merge them recursively. */
- if (foldFind(gap1, fp1->fd_len - 1L, &fp3) && foldFind(gap2, 0L, &fp4))
- foldMerge(fp3, gap2, fp4);
- /* Move nested folds in fp2 to the end of fp1. */
- if (gap2->ga_len > 0 && ga_grow(gap1, gap2->ga_len) == OK)
- {
- for (idx = 0; idx < gap2->ga_len; ++idx)
- {
- ((fold_T *)gap1->ga_data)[gap1->ga_len]
- = ((fold_T *)gap2->ga_data)[idx];
- ((fold_T *)gap1->ga_data)[gap1->ga_len].fd_top += fp1->fd_len;
- ++gap1->ga_len;
- --gap1->ga_room;
- }
- gap2->ga_len = 0;
- /* fp2->fd_nested.ga_room isn't updated, we delete it below */
- }
- fp1->fd_len += fp2->fd_len;
- deleteFoldEntry(gap, (int)(fp2 - (fold_T *)gap->ga_data), TRUE);
- fold_changed = TRUE;
- }
- /* foldlevelIndent() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Low level function to get the foldlevel for the "indent" method.
- * Doesn't use any caching.
- * Returns a level of -1 if the foldlevel depends on surrounding lines.
- */
- static void
- foldlevelIndent(flp)
- fline_T *flp;
- {
- char_u *s;
- buf_T *buf;
- linenr_T lnum = flp->lnum + flp->off;
- buf = flp->wp->w_buffer;
- s = skipwhite(ml_get_buf(buf, lnum, FALSE));
- /* empty line or lines starting with a character in 'foldignore': level
- * depends on surrounding lines */
- if (*s == NUL || vim_strchr(flp->wp->w_p_fdi, *s) != NULL)
- {
- /* first and last line can't be undefined, use level 0 */
- if (lnum == 1 || lnum == buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- flp->lvl = 0;
- else
- flp->lvl = -1;
- }
- else
- flp->lvl = get_indent_buf(buf, lnum) / buf->b_p_sw;
- if (flp->lvl > flp->wp->w_p_fdn)
- flp->lvl = flp->wp->w_p_fdn;
- }
- /* foldlevelDiff() {{{2 */
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- /*
- * Low level function to get the foldlevel for the "diff" method.
- * Doesn't use any caching.
- */
- static void
- foldlevelDiff(flp)
- fline_T *flp;
- {
- if (diff_infold(flp->wp, flp->lnum + flp->off))
- flp->lvl = 1;
- else
- flp->lvl = 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* foldlevelExpr() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Low level function to get the foldlevel for the "expr" method.
- * Doesn't use any caching.
- * Returns a level of -1 if the foldlevel depends on surrounding lines.
- */
- static void
- foldlevelExpr(flp)
- fline_T *flp;
- {
- #ifndef FEAT_EVAL
- flp->start = FALSE;
- flp->lvl = 0;
- #else
- win_T *win;
- int n;
- int c;
- linenr_T lnum = flp->lnum + flp->off;
- win = curwin;
- curwin = flp->wp;
- curbuf = flp->wp->w_buffer;
- set_vim_var_nr(VV_LNUM, lnum);
- flp->start = 0;
- flp->had_end = flp->end;
- flp->end = MAX_LEVEL + 1;
- if (lnum <= 1)
- flp->lvl = 0;
- n = eval_foldexpr(flp->wp->w_p_fde, &c);
- switch (c)
- {
- /* "a1", "a2", .. : add to the fold level */
- case 'a': if (flp->lvl >= 0)
- {
- flp->lvl += n;
- flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl;
- }
- flp->start = n;
- break;
- /* "s1", "s2", .. : subtract from the fold level */
- case 's': if (flp->lvl >= 0)
- {
- if (n > flp->lvl)
- flp->lvl_next = 0;
- else
- flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl - n;
- flp->end = flp->lvl_next + 1;
- }
- break;
- /* ">1", ">2", .. : start a fold with a certain level */
- case '>': flp->lvl = n;
- flp->lvl_next = n;
- flp->start = 1;
- break;
- /* "<1", "<2", .. : end a fold with a certain level */
- case '<': flp->lvl_next = n - 1;
- flp->end = n;
- break;
- /* "=": No change in level */
- case '=': flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl;
- break;
- /* "-1", "0", "1", ..: set fold level */
- default: if (n < 0)
- /* Use the current level for the next line, so that "a1"
- * will work there. */
- flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl;
- else
- flp->lvl_next = n;
- flp->lvl = n;
- break;
- }
- /* If the level is unknown for the first or the last line in the file, use
- * level 0. */
- if (flp->lvl < 0)
- {
- if (lnum <= 1)
- {
- flp->lvl = 0;
- flp->lvl_next = 0;
- }
- if (lnum == curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- flp->lvl_next = 0;
- }
- curwin = win;
- curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
- #endif
- }
- /* parseMarker() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Parse 'foldmarker' and set "foldendmarker", "foldstartmarkerlen" and
- * "foldendmarkerlen".
- * Relies on the option value to have been checked for correctness already.
- */
- static void
- parseMarker(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- foldendmarker = vim_strchr(wp->w_p_fmr, ',');
- foldstartmarkerlen = (int)(foldendmarker++ - wp->w_p_fmr);
- foldendmarkerlen = (int)STRLEN(foldendmarker);
- }
- /* foldlevelMarker() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Low level function to get the foldlevel for the "marker" method.
- * "foldendmarker", "foldstartmarkerlen" and "foldendmarkerlen" must have been
- * set before calling this.
- * Requires that flp->lvl is set to the fold level of the previous line!
- * Careful: This means you can't call this function twice on the same line.
- * Doesn't use any caching.
- * Sets flp->start when a start marker was found.
- */
- static void
- foldlevelMarker(flp)
- fline_T *flp;
- {
- char_u *startmarker;
- int cstart;
- int cend;
- char_u *s;
- int n;
- /* cache a few values for speed */
- startmarker = flp->wp->w_p_fmr;
- cstart = *startmarker;
- ++startmarker;
- cend = *foldendmarker;
- /* Default: no start found, next level is same as current level */
- flp->start = 0;
- flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl;
- s = ml_get_buf(flp->wp->w_buffer, flp->lnum + flp->off, FALSE);
- while (*s)
- {
- if (*s == cstart
- && STRNCMP(s + 1, startmarker, foldstartmarkerlen - 1) == 0)
- {
- /* found startmarker: set flp->lvl */
- s += foldstartmarkerlen;
- if (isdigit(*s))
- {
- n = atoi((char *)s);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- flp->lvl = n;
- flp->lvl_next = n;
- ++flp->start;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ++flp->lvl;
- ++flp->lvl_next;
- ++flp->start;
- }
- }
- else if (*s == cend
- && STRNCMP(s + 1, foldendmarker + 1, foldendmarkerlen - 1) == 0)
- {
- /* found endmarker: set flp->lvl_next */
- s += foldendmarkerlen;
- if (isdigit(*s))
- {
- n = atoi((char *)s);
- if (n > 0)
- {
- flp->lvl = n;
- flp->lvl_next = n - 1;
- /* never start a fold with an end marker */
- if (flp->lvl_next > flp->lvl)
- flp->lvl_next = flp->lvl;
- }
- }
- else
- --flp->lvl_next;
- }
- else
- ++s;
- }
- }
- /* foldlevelSyntax() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Low level function to get the foldlevel for the "syntax" method.
- * Doesn't use any caching.
- */
- static void
- foldlevelSyntax(flp)
- fline_T *flp;
- {
- #ifndef FEAT_SYN_HL
- flp->start = FALSE;
- flp->lvl = 0;
- #else
- linenr_T lnum = flp->lnum + flp->off;
- int n;
- /* Use the maximum fold level at the start of this line and the next. */
- flp->lvl = syn_get_foldlevel(flp->wp, lnum);
- flp->start = FALSE;
- if (lnum < flp->wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- n = syn_get_foldlevel(flp->wp, lnum + 1);
- if (n > flp->lvl)
- {
- flp->start = n - flp->lvl; /* fold(s) start here */
- flp->lvl = n;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* functions for storing the fold state in a View {{{1 */
- /* put_folds() {{{2 */
- #if defined(FEAT_SESSION) || defined(PROTO)
- static int put_folds_recurse __ARGS((FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, linenr_T off));
- static int put_foldopen_recurse __ARGS((FILE *fd, garray_T *gap, linenr_T off));
- /*
- * Write commands to "fd" to restore the manual folds in window "wp".
- * Return FAIL if writing fails.
- */
- int
- put_folds(fd, wp)
- FILE *fd;
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (foldmethodIsManual(wp))
- {
- if (put_line(fd, "silent! normal zE") == FAIL
- || put_folds_recurse(fd, &wp->w_folds, (linenr_T)0) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* If some folds are manually opened/closed, need to restore that. */
- if (wp->w_fold_manual)
- return put_foldopen_recurse(fd, &wp->w_folds, (linenr_T)0);
- return OK;
- }
- /* put_folds_recurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Write commands to "fd" to recreate manually created folds.
- * Returns FAIL when writing failed.
- */
- static int
- put_folds_recurse(fd, gap, off)
- FILE *fd;
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T off;
- {
- int i;
- fold_T *fp;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; i++)
- {
- /* Do nested folds first, they will be created closed. */
- if (put_folds_recurse(fd, &fp->fd_nested, off + fp->fd_top) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- if (fprintf(fd, "%ld,%ldfold", fp->fd_top + off,
- fp->fd_top + off + fp->fd_len - 1) < 0
- || put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- ++fp;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /* put_folds_recurse() {{{2 */
- /*
- * Write commands to "fd" to open and close manually opened/closed folds.
- * Returns FAIL when writing failed.
- */
- static int
- put_foldopen_recurse(fd, gap, off)
- FILE *fd;
- garray_T *gap;
- linenr_T off;
- {
- int i;
- fold_T *fp;
- fp = (fold_T *)gap->ga_data;
- for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; i++)
- {
- if (fp->fd_flags != FD_LEVEL)
- {
- if (fp->fd_nested.ga_len > 0)
- {
- /* open/close nested folds while this fold is open */
- if (fprintf(fd, "%ld", fp->fd_top + off) < 0
- || put_eol(fd) == FAIL
- || put_line(fd, "normal zo") == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- if (put_foldopen_recurse(fd, &fp->fd_nested, off + fp->fd_top)
- == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (fprintf(fd, "%ld", fp->fd_top + off) < 0
- || put_eol(fd) == FAIL
- || fprintf(fd, "normal z%c",
- fp->fd_flags == FD_CLOSED ? 'c' : 'o') < 0
- || put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- ++fp;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_SESSION */
- /* }}}1 */
- #endif /* defined(FEAT_FOLDING) || defined(PROTO) */